
Vernon Reid Expresses Astonishment Over the Continued Lack of Recognition for Ernie Isley, a ’70s Guitar Hero with Hendrixian Influence

by Madonna

Vernon Reid, the guitarist for Living Colour, has voiced his surprise at the lack of widespread recognition for Ernie Isley, the guitarist for the Isley Brothers. Despite Isley’s significant contributions to music and his clear tonal connection to Jimi Hendrix, Reid believes Isley has not received the acknowledgment he deserves.

When highlighting the favorite guitarists of the 1970s, Reid selected Isley as his guitarist of the decade. He emphasized Isley’s close relationship with Hendrix’s playing style, which has often been overlooked by both rock-oriented media and fans of guitar music.


“I feel compelled to mention his name—among the many incredible guitar luminaries who have greatly influenced me—because he has been almost entirely absent from rock guitar media of that time,” Reid stated.


Jimi Hendrix passed away in 1970, yet his impact on music continued to resonate through the following years. Reid argues that Ernie Isley was one of the musicians who helped maintain Hendrix’s legacy, building on his revolutionary guitar work.


“Astonishingly, Isley’s continued lack of recognition as a near direct tonal descendant of Jimi Hendrix persists to this day,” Reid said. He highlighted the personal connection between Isley and Hendrix, referencing Hendrix’s time as a member of the Isley Brothers during the 1960s.

Reid also pointed out that despite Isley’s obvious talent, showcased on hits like That Lady, Summer Breeze, and Live It Up, he has rarely been listed alongside his guitar contemporaries from the same era.

Even though the Isley Brothers enjoyed immense success during the ’70s, Reid finds it puzzling that Ernie Isley remains largely unacknowledged for his role during a period when the guitar was ascending in prominence across all music genres. Reid cited Isley’s “wild space fuzz solo” on the 1973 track That Lady as one of his favorite guitar solos from that era.

This isn’t the first time Vernon Reid has stepped in to advocate for underappreciated guitarists. Last year, he launched a campaign on X (formerly Twitter) to elevate the profiles of lesser-known guitarists, starting with Robin Trower and Robert Cray, further cementing his role as a champion for unsung musical talent.


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