
Hungarian Pianist Alex Sziráky Performs Solo Concert in Fuzhou, China

by Madonna

The solo concert “Eastern Melodies” featuring Hungarian pianist Alex Sziráky took place at the Fujian Grand Theatre in Fuzhou, China.

During the concert, Alex Sziráky passionately performed several classic works by renowned composers Frédéric Chopin and Franz Liszt.


Throughout the performance, pieces such as Chopin’s “Grande Valse Brillante in E-flat major” and “Valse Brillante in A minor,” along with Liszt’s “Storm” and “Liebestraum,” showcased the exemplary emotional expressiveness of Western Romantic music. Sziráky beautifully captured the elegance and melancholy infused by the composers, as well as the fluidity of the melodies and richness of harmonies. The audience was utterly captivated, experiencing the myriad charms of the Danube through the enchanting piano melodies.


The concert reached its climax with the performance of Chopin’s “Piano Concerto in F minor,” featuring Sziráky alongside artists Chen Xiaowei, Chen Zhan, Gao Lingling, and Chen Qianliang from the Fujian Song and Dance Theatre. The collaboration between Chinese and Hungarian musicians elicited enthusiastic and prolonged applause from the audience.


This year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary. To further deepen cultural and tourism exchanges between Fujian, China, and Hungary, leveraging local advantages and continuing the tradition of friendship, the China (Fujian) – Hungary Cultural Exchange Week is being held in Fuzhou from September 29 to October 13. The exchange week aims to showcase the splendid artistic cultures of both countries while promoting mutual appreciation of civilizations, arts, tourism, and strengthening the bonds between the peoples.

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