
The Decision to Make Your Own Oboe Reeds: A Delicate Art

by Madonna

The oboe is a beautiful and captivating instrument, known for its distinct, haunting sound. To produce this enchanting sound, oboists rely on a crucial component – the reed. The reed is the small, double-bladed piece of cane that is attached to the oboe’s mouthpiece and is responsible for creating the instrument’s unique tone. One common question that oboists often contemplate is whether they should make their own oboe reeds. In this article, we will explore the factors to consider when deciding whether to embark on the journey of crafting your own reeds.

The Importance of Oboe Reeds

Oboe reeds are the linchpin of an oboist’s sound. They significantly impact tone quality, intonation, and playability. A well-made reed can make the oboe sing, while a poorly constructed one can result in a squeaky or flat sound. As a result, the reed-making process is considered an art and a science, and it requires skill, patience, and attention to detail.


Pros of Making Your Own Oboe Reeds

Before deciding whether to make your own oboe reeds, it’s essential to understand the potential advantages of this craft. Here are some reasons why some oboists choose to make their own reeds:


1. Customization: Crafting your reeds allows you to tailor them to your specific preferences and playing style. You can experiment with various shapes, dimensions, and materials to create a reed that suits you best.


2. Cost Savings: Over time, purchasing pre-made reeds can become expensive. By making your own reeds, you can save money in the long run, as cane and reed-making tools are generally more affordable than pre-made reeds.

3. Learning Experience: Reed-making is a valuable skill that can deepen your understanding of the oboe and its mechanics. It also provides a sense of accomplishment and independence as a musician.

4. Quick Adjustments: When you make your own reeds, you can make immediate adjustments to fine-tune your reeds for optimal performance, ensuring that you always have a reed that responds to your needs.

Cons of Making Your Own Oboe Reeds

While making your own oboe reeds has its benefits, it also comes with challenges and potential drawbacks:

1. Steep Learning Curve: Reed-making is a complex and demanding skill to acquire. It can take years of practice to consistently create high-quality reeds.

2. Time-Consuming: Crafting reeds can be time-consuming, and you must dedicate a significant amount of time to the process. This can be challenging, especially for busy musicians.

3. Inconsistent Results: As a beginner, your reeds may not consistently meet your desired quality and playability standards. This can lead to frustration and less-than-optimal performance.

4. Initial Investment: While reed-making tools and materials may be cost-effective in the long run, the initial investment can be substantial. You’ll need to acquire mandrels, knives, gougers, and other specialized equipment.

The Transition from Purchasing to Making Reeds

If you’re contemplating making the shift from purchasing to making your own oboe reeds, there are several factors to consider:

1. Skill Development: Are you willing to invest the time and effort required to develop the necessary reed-making skills? Reed-making can be an ongoing learning process.

2. Tools and Materials: Do you have access to the required tools and materials? Acquiring the right equipment is crucial to the reed-making process.

3. Patience and Perseverance: Are you prepared to face potential setbacks and frustrations as you learn to make reeds? Patience and determination are key to success in reed-making.

4. Quality Control: Making your own reeds allows you to maintain full control over the quality of your reeds, but it also means that any inconsistencies or issues are entirely your responsibility.

5. Expert Guidance: Consider seeking guidance from experienced reed-makers or instructors. Lessons and feedback can help accelerate your reed-making progress and ensure that you’re on the right track.

Balancing Reed-Making with Playing

For many oboists, the decision to make their own reeds is not an all-or-nothing choice. It’s common to balance reed-making with the use of professionally made reeds. Here are some tips for finding the right balance:

1. Use Professionally Made Reeds for Performances: While you may make your own reeds for practice and experimentation, it’s often advisable to use professionally made reeds for important performances or auditions to ensure consistent and reliable results.

2. Time Management: Allocate specific time for reed-making and practice. Establish a schedule that allows you to dedicate sufficient time to both activities without feeling overwhelmed.

3. Experiment and Learn: Don’t be afraid to experiment with reed-making and learn from your mistakes. As your reed-making skills improve, you can gradually rely more on your own reeds.

4. Seek Guidance: Seek advice from experienced oboists and reed-makers. They can offer valuable insights and guidance to help you on your reed-making journey.

See Also: How Long Do Oboe Reeds Last: A Comprehensive Guide


The decision to make your own oboe reeds is a personal one that depends on your goals, commitment, and resources. While reed-making offers customization and cost-saving benefits, it requires a substantial investment of time and effort to acquire the necessary skills and tools. For many oboists, the balance between making their own reeds and using professionally made reeds is the key to optimizing their oboe playing experience.

Ultimately, whether you choose to make your own oboe reeds or rely on professionally made reeds, the key is to prioritize the quality of your sound and your enjoyment of playing this exquisite instrument. Whichever path you take, your dedication to the oboe and its beautiful music will continue to be the driving force behind your musical journey.


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