
Vermont Trombone Choir to Resonate Through Vergennes Opera House

by Madonna

VERGENNES — Prepare for an afternoon of grandeur as the Vermont Trombone Choir, a spirited ensemble of 14 members deeply passionate about the trombone, takes center stage at the Vergennes Opera House. Described as big, brassy, and unapologetically loud, this talented group, spanning ages from 20 to 86, is set to make their inaugural performance on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 2 p.m.

Founder Robert Wigness, Professor Emeritus at UVM, conceived the idea to showcase the Vermont Trombone Choir at the Vergennes Opera House as a means to support the All Access Project. This initiative aims to enhance accessibility to the historic venue, enabling a broader audience to experience its cultural richness.


Originating from various corners of Vermont and neighboring New York state, the musicians bring a diverse range of talents to the ensemble. The performance will be introduced by VOH Board Vice President Jim Lanpher, a direct disciple of Professor Wigness from the 1970s.


General seating tickets are available at $15 for adults and $5 for students aged 18 and younger. Doors open at 1:30 p.m., with the much-anticipated show commencing at 2 p.m. Attendees can anticipate an unforgettable musical journey orchestrated by the Vermont Trombone Choir, resonating through the historic Vergennes Opera House.


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