
What is the Drum Box that You Sit on Called? [Revealed!]

by Madonna

The drum box, a unique percussion instrument, has gained popularity for its portability and versatility. Also known as a cajon, this box-shaped drum offers a rhythmic foundation for various musical genres. In this article, we delve into the world of the drum box, exploring its origins, construction, and the intriguing question – what is the drum box that you sit on called?

The Cajon: A Brief History

Originating from Afro-Peruvian traditions, the cajon has a rich history dating back centuries. Initially repurposed from shipping crates, it has evolved into a well-crafted instrument. The term “cajon” itself is Spanish for “box” or “crate,” reflecting its simple yet powerful design. The drum box became widely adopted in flamenco music and has since found its way into various musical genres globally.


Construction and Anatomy of a Drum Box

Understanding the structure of a drum box is essential for appreciating its unique sound. Typically made of hardwood, the front face is thin to allow for resonance, while the sides, back, and top are sturdier for durability. The playing surface often features a soundhole to enhance the tonal quality. The top corners are rounded to minimize discomfort during extended playing sessions. The design of the drum box is crucial in producing its signature percussive tones.


What is the Drum Box That You Sit On Called?

While often referred to simply as a cajon, the drum box has variations and specific names based on its features. Some may include adjustable snares or wires for a snare drum effect, leading to names like “snare cajon.” Others may have additional tones or features, such as adjustable bass ports. The terminology may vary among manufacturers, but the term “cajon” remains the umbrella term for this versatile instrument.


Basic Drum Box Playing Techniques

Playing the drum box requires a combination of basic techniques to produce a diverse range of sounds. Start with a simple bass sound in the center of the playing surface, achieved by striking it with the palm of your hand. Experiment with various hand positions and angles to discover different tones. Incorporate finger snaps or slaps on the edges for added variety. As you become more comfortable, explore more advanced techniques like rolls, flams, and ghost notes to enhance your rhythmic repertoire.

Advanced Techniques for Drum Box Mastery

To truly master the drum box, consider incorporating advanced techniques. Utilize your feet to add bass drum or hi-hat patterns, providing a fuller sound. Experiment with brushes, mallets, or even small cymbals to expand your sonic possibilities. Learning to control the dynamics by varying your striking force will add nuance to your playing. Watching experienced players and attending workshops can offer valuable insights into mastering these advanced techniques.

Drum Box in Different Musical Settings

The drum box’s adaptability makes it suitable for a wide range of musical genres. From folk and acoustic settings to jazz, pop, and even rock, the cajon’s versatility shines through. Its portable nature also makes it an ideal choice for busking or jam sessions. Explore different playing styles and techniques to find the perfect fit for your musical preferences.

Tips for Maintaining Your Drum Box

Proper care and maintenance are crucial to ensuring your drum box retains its optimal sound quality. Keep it in a dry environment to prevent warping or cracking. Periodically check and tighten any screws or hardware. If equipped with adjustable features, such as snares or bass ports, experiment with adjustments to find the sweet spot for your preferred sound. Regularly clean the playing surface to remove dirt or oil buildup, preserving the integrity of the wood.

Choosing the Right Drum Box for You

With various options available in the market, selecting the right drum box for your needs is essential. Consider factors such as size, material, and additional features like adjustable snares. Playtesting different models allows you to experience their unique characteristics. If possible, consult with experienced players or seek professional advice to make an informed decision based on your playing style and preferences.


In conclusion, the drum box, commonly known as the cajon, is a fascinating percussion instrument that has found its place in diverse musical landscapes. From its humble origins to its modern iterations, the cajon continues to captivate musicians and audiences alike. Whether you’re a beginner exploring basic techniques or an experienced player pushing the boundaries of advanced styles, the drum box remains an accessible and expressive musical companion, providing a rhythmic heartbeat to countless musical compositions.


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