
Jazz Drums: Klevgrand Adds New Kit to OneShot Library

by Madonna

Klevgrand has introduced a new addition to the OneShot library of sounds: the Jazz-Kit. Described as “more than good enough for jazz,” this kit promises to deliver an authentic jazz drumming experience.

Johan Sundhage, co-founder and Lead Developer at Klevgrand, stated, “It is the best-sounding jazz drums that we’ve ever heard. We created this pack because there just weren’t any sample collections out there with this sound ideal. With this pack, we bring you a jazz kit that actually sounds like a proper modern jazz kit – have a listen to the music examples and hear for yourself…”


Here are more details from the company:


Klevgrand has strong opinions on how a modern jazz kit should sound, be played, and be recorded for sampling. For example, the snare drum can and should be played in various ways, especially in jazz. This includes rim shots, ordinary strokes, side stick, buzzes, and rolls. The ride cymbal’s sound also varies depending on how it is struck, where it is hit, and the force used. The Jazz-Kit ensures all parts have plenty of velocity layers and round robins, making it highly dynamic and musical. This results in an extremely natural, acoustic-sounding, and very playable drum kit that’s both fun to play and sounds just right!


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