
How Much is a Piccolo Flute? You Should Know

by Madonna

Piccolo flutes are unique and captivating instruments that offer a higher pitch and distinct sound compared to regular flutes. For musicians considering purchasing a piccolo, understanding the price range and factors influencing the cost is crucial. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of purchasing a piccolo flute, including price ranges, factors affecting the price, budget considerations, and where to buy these instruments.

Price Range of the Piccolo Flute

Piccolo flutes can vary significantly in price, reflecting the diversity in quality, materials, and craftsmanship. The average cost of a piccolo flute ranges from $500 to $20,000 or more. However, most models typically fall between $1,500 and $7,000 when purchased new.


Entry-Level Piccolos: These are generally priced between $500 and $1,500. They are suitable for beginners and intermediate players who are just starting to explore the piccolo.


Intermediate Piccolos: These instruments, often used by advancing students and semi-professional musicians, range from $1,500 to $3,500.


Professional Piccolos: Professional-grade piccolos can cost between $3,500 and $7,000. These are crafted with high-quality materials and precision for professional performances.

High-End and Custom Piccolos: Custom-made or high-end piccolos can exceed $7,000, with some reaching $20,000 or more. These are designed for professional musicians seeking the best quality and unique features.

Factors Affecting Price

The price of a piccolo flute is influenced by several factors, including the model and brand, materials used, and the condition of the instrument.

1. Model and Brand

The specific model and brand of the piccolo play a significant role in determining its price. High-quality piccolos from reputable brands tend to be more expensive due to their superior craftsmanship and performance. Some well-known brands in the piccolo market include:

Burkart: Known for their exceptional craftsmanship and tonal quality, Burkart piccolos are highly regarded in the professional music community.

Hammig: Hammig piccolos are renowned for their rich sound and excellent intonation, making them a popular choice among professional musicians.

Powell: Powell piccolos are praised for their precise construction and beautiful tone, offering a range of models suitable for different levels of players.

2. Material

The material used in the construction of a piccolo significantly impacts its price. Piccolos are typically made from wood, composite, or metal, each with its characteristics and price points.

Wooden Piccolos: Wooden piccolos, often made from grenadilla wood, are known for their warm and rich tone. They are generally more expensive than metal piccolos due to the cost of the wood and the intricate craftsmanship required.

Composite Piccolos: Composite piccolos, made from a blend of materials, offer durability and a good tonal quality at a more affordable price. They are a popular choice for marching bands and outdoor performances.

Metal Piccolos: Metal piccolos, typically made from silver or nickel silver, are more affordable than wooden ones. They produce a bright sound and are durable, making them suitable for beginners and students.

3. Condition

The condition of the piccolo also affects its price. New piccolos are generally more expensive than used ones. Buying a used piccolo can save anywhere from $100 to $1,000, depending on its condition and age. However, it is essential to ensure that a used piccolo is in good playing condition and free from significant damage.

SEE ALSO: Mastering High D on the Flute

Budget Considerations

When purchasing a piccolo flute, it is essential to consider your budget and whether you prefer a new or used instrument. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

1. New vs. Used

New Piccolos: New piccolos come with a warranty and the assurance of pristine condition. They are ideal for those who want a brand-new instrument without any prior wear and tear.

Used Piccolos: Used piccolos can be a cost-effective option, especially for beginners or those on a tight budget. However, it is crucial to purchase from a reputable seller and, if possible, have the instrument inspected by a professional to ensure it is in good condition.

2. Investment

A piccolo is an investment, especially for serious players. It is worth allocating sufficient funds for a quality instrument that will meet your needs and last for many years. While it might be tempting to opt for a cheaper model, investing in a higher-quality piccolo can provide better sound, playability, and longevity.

Where to Buy

Piccolo flutes can be found on various platforms, including online marketplaces, music stores, and specialized instrument shops. Here are some reputable places to explore:

Amazon: Amazon offers a wide range of piccolos, from entry-level to professional models. It is a convenient platform for comparing prices and reading customer reviews.

Music Stores: Local and online music stores often carry a selection of piccolos. Visiting a music store allows you to try out different models and receive expert advice.

Specialized Instrument Shops: Shops specializing in wind instruments can provide a curated selection of piccolos and personalized service. They may also offer custom-made piccolos and high-end models.


In conclusion, the cost of a piccolo flute can vary widely based on factors such as the model, brand, material, and condition. By considering your budget and understanding the different options available, you can find a piccolo that meets your needs and enhances your musical journey. Whether you choose to purchase a new or used instrument, investing in a quality piccolo will provide you with a valuable and enjoyable musical experience.


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