
Kanikapila Project Fosters Healing and Dialogue Through Ukulele and Music

by Madonna

The Kanikapila Project, an intuitive initiative responding to the aftermath of last August’s tragic Lahaina fires, continues to provide music lessons and ukuleles to individuals of all ages affected by the disaster. Held at the Royal Lahaina Hotel, which generously donated space, the project aims to offer a healing outlet for trauma survivors as one of its core missions.

Since October, the project has distributed over 400 ukuleles to students, with dedicated music teachers volunteering their time to provide instruction. The community impact of this initiative, though difficult to quantify, resonates in the melodies produced by those navigating through their darkest moments.


Support from the Rotary D5000 Foundation’s fires relief effort has been instrumental. Their funding enabled the purchase of an additional 75 ukuleles and supported an honorarium for teachers committing to three weekly sessions.


During a reception at Hale Paina on the Lahainaluna High School campus on April 15, 2024, Rotary International President Gordon McInally presented a check to David Blake, Founder and President of the Kanikapila Project, acknowledging their profound work.


Lead teacher Jason Jerome, who lost his business, Lahaina Music, in the fires, has played a pivotal role in the project’s success. His contribution has brought the gift of music and healing to those grappling with profound loss.

Reflecting on the project’s evolution, Jerome noted the challenge of reaching dispersed participants since the fires scattered their usual locations. Despite these obstacles, the project continues to adapt, exploring new avenues to expand its reach across the island.

Jerome emphasized that each session begins with music but now includes more dialogue—a testament to the project’s vision of using the ukulele as a catalyst for open communication about shared experiences. This approach has proven remarkably successful in fostering a sense of community and addressing collective challenges.

Witnessing the profound healing experienced by participants, Jerome described emotional moments where tears flowed freely, underscoring the project’s impact in fostering fellowship and camaraderie among those involved.

Looking ahead, Jerome envisions a greater focus on children, potentially collaborating with schools, the YMCA, or the Boys and Girls Club to extend the project’s reach and impact.

The Kanikapila Project stands as a testament to the power of music not only to heal wounds but also to unite and uplift communities in times of adversity.


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