
Lizzy McAlpine Redefines Live Performance and Rhythm Guitar Mastery Amidst Tour Success

by Madonna

Lizzy McAlpine reflects on her journey as a rhythm guitarist and her newfound love for live performances.

Taking a break from her busy tour schedule, Lizzy McAlpine, 24, remains surprisingly serene after a recent sold-out show at Colorado’s Red Rocks Amphitheater, a career highlight spurred by her TikTok hit “Ceilings” and subsequent Billboard 100 success with over 500 million Spotify streams.


Despite her rapid rise, McAlpine stays true to her roots as an honest songwriter, channeling personal experiences into heartfelt ballads and intricate guitar-driven tracks.


Transitioning from studio to stage, McAlpine faced new challenges with her third album, “Older,” opting to replicate its layered sound live by transforming her stage setup to mirror the intimate recording environment.


Collaborating closely with her band, McAlpine redefined her creative process, moving away from traditional production methods to capture a more authentic sound that resonates with her deeply.

Embracing her role as a rhythm guitarist, McAlpine cherishes the connection between her music and audience, buoyed by her distinctive guitar collection, including a vintage Epiphone FT-45 Cortez and a cherished 1930s nylon string named “Louis,” each adding a unique voice to her performances.

With a newfound passion for live shows, McAlpine credits her revitalized stage presence to music that finally feels true to herself, created with a band that understands and enhances her vision.

Looking ahead, McAlpine plans to savor this moment before diving back into the studio, where her band will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping her future musical endeavors.


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