
Women Veterans Find Healing and Resilience in Drum Circle at Casper Event

by Madonna

Does the daily drumbeat of life seem overwhelming? Have you ever considered actually beating a drum to that rhythm?

The 2024 Promoting Our Women Warriors all-day event in Casper, Wyoming, is offering women Veterans the chance to do just that in a drum circle breakout session on Saturday, Aug. 3.


What is a drum circle?


On the surface, a drum circle is pretty much what it sounds like—people gathering together to tap, hit, shake, or strike some type of drum to create a rhythmic beat. Besides encouraging self-expression, these resonating beats are known to relieve stress and rejuvenate drummers.


And don’t worry, you don’t need any experience or musical talent to take part.

So, is a drum circle worth trying?

Research has shown there are health benefits.

For instance, one 2016 study showed that drumming participants “showed decreases in depression and increases in social resilience” after six weeks. By week ten, “these had further improved, alongside significant improvements in anxiety and mental wellbeing.”

Besides the mental health benefits, the same study also indicated beneficial biological changes as well.

Another study, published in 2018, involved individuals and their caregivers. That study found that there were emotional, psychological, and social dimensions of well-being for both patients and their caregivers.


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