
International Marimba Concert to be Held in Benque Viejo del Carmen on Thursday for Benque Fiesta

by Madonna

As part of the Benque Viejo del Carmen Fiesta activities, an international marimba concert will be held at the Cancha Marshall on Thursday.

The Benque Fiesta Marimba Concert will feature the Rafael Landívar University of Guatemala and Benque’s Los Hijos del West Marimba Orchestra.


The concert starts at 7:30 pm.


According to Benque House of Culture (BHOC) Coordinator Nalleli Yacab, Christopher Moreno, a Belizean student who studies at the Guatemalan university and is a member of their marimba orchestra (and who is also an ex-member of Los Hijos del West), coordinated the visit by the Guatemalan musicians as part of a cultural exchange.


Yacab mentioned that the Thursdays of the Benque Fiesta are dedicated to cultural events.

The event is a joint effort by the Benque Viejo Town Council, the Benque House of Culture, and the Benque House of Culture Marimba led by Director Ian Yacab.

Belize Electricity Limited and Fortis Belize are gold sponsors of the Benque Fiesta Marimba Concert. Other sponsors include the National Institute of Culture and History (NICH), the Benque Viejo Town Council, and the Benque Community of Artists for Cultural and Historical Endeavours (CACHE).

The marimba concert will be followed by a dance with DJ Estevan and Black River Mobile Disco.


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