
Talented Nigerian Boy Receives Brand New Drum Set from Father After Playing with Buckets and Sticks

by Madonna

A heartwarming video has gone viral, showing the joy of a young Nigerian boy who received a brand-new drum set from his father.

The boy, known for his musical talent, had been using buckets and sticks to create a makeshift drum set, showcasing his passion for drumming.


The touching video, shared by his mother, @chiomachris3, on TikTok, highlights her son’s deep love for music. She explained that she began taking him to public events when he was just two months old, and he immediately fell in love with drumming. His enthusiasm was so great that he would stand next to the drummer during performances, refusing to sit down. Despite her attempts to dissuade him, his passion for drumming only intensified. He would always insist on playing drums before doing anything else, including reading. His dedication even led him to sleep with sticks, and his creative pursuits unfortunately resulted in some damaged household items.


Recognizing his son’s genuine talent and dedication, the boy’s father decided to surprise him with a professional drum set. The boy’s face lit up with delight upon receiving the gift, and his mother captured the precious moment on film. In her post, she shared:


“This is my first son. I started going to outings with him when he was two months old. He fell in love with drums so much that even at events, he would never sit down but stand next to the drummer. If you want him to read his books, you have to let him play drums first. He has already broken everything in my house. I tried my best to stop him, but I couldn’t. He even sleeps with sticks. He has a true passion for music.”


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