
Marcus Miller Envisions the Future of Bass Guitar as an “Extended-Range Guitar”

by Madonna

Bass legend Marcus Miller shared his thoughts on the evolving role of the bass guitar in a recent interview with No Treble. Reflecting on how technology has transformed music over the years, Miller discussed the instrument’s shifting function and future prospects.

He highlighted the profound impact of technological advances on music, stating, “It’s remarkable to see how technology has influenced music more than we often realize. It’s not just about the last 20 years—microphones, for instance, changed music forever.”


Miller elaborated on the evolution of recording technology: “The ability to record music on separate tracks so you could isolate each drum beat changed the game. Multi-tracking and the development of new basses with a wider range of frequencies also had a significant impact.”


He pointed out how technological innovations like the synth bass have altered the role of the bass player: “With advancements, such as the synth bass, the dynamics of bands changed. Keyboardists started filling the bass role, leading to fewer gigs for traditional bass players.”


Miller expressed his belief that the bass guitar will continue to evolve while retaining its essential characteristics: “The bass is evolving. It’s not just an instrument designed to hold a band together anymore; it’s becoming more like an extended-range guitar. It now offers a full range, similar to a piano, and musicians are leveraging that.”

He admitted missing the traditional bass players who could firmly anchor a band but acknowledged the ongoing relevance of the instrument: “In churches, for example, bass players still need to hold the band together, even if they showcase a lot of skills. The instrument is expanding but still retains its original function, which is a positive development.”


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