
Mike Portnoy Reflects on Rejoining Dream Theater After 13 Years: ‘I’m Not as Much of a Control Freak’

by Madonna

Mike Portnoy recently shared his thoughts on the changes he’s noticed while playing with Dream Theater again after a 13-year hiatus.

In an interview, Portnoy was asked how performing and working with Dream Theater in 2024 compares to his previous tenure, which ended 14 years ago. The drummer observed that time and experience have led to a more relaxed and mature dynamic within the band, facilitating better collaboration:


“There are two sides to that question. First, I’d say that, personally, we’re all older, wiser, and more mellow. I’m not as much of a control freak as I used to be; I’m a lot more easygoing now. So, yeah, part of it is just the natural aging process—we’re all in our fifties and sixties now, and we’re more mature and experienced.”


Portnoy also discussed how he’s adjusting to the band’s current chemistry and workflow, noting that when he left, the remaining members had to take on new responsibilities and adapt:


“But the other side of that question is finding my place within this new chemistry and understanding how everything works now. When I left the band, they had to divide up responsibilities among themselves, with different members overseeing different areas.”

“Now that I’m back, I have to figure out what’s comfortable for everyone. I need to respect that they’ve been functioning without me for 13 years, and they may do things differently now.”

Portnoy elaborated on his approach to reintegrating into the band:

“So it’s really up to me to be respectful and not impose myself in any areas. Anytime something comes up—whether it’s discussing the setlist, merchandise, or how they want to record in the studio—I’m always asking, ‘Okay, how do you guys do it now? How do you want me involved? Do you want me to oversee it, or stay out of it? That’s fine too.’ It’s a learning process for me to find my comfort zone within the way the band operates now.”


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