
One-Handed Violinist Adrian Anantawan Inspires With Music He Calls “The Sound of Possibility”

by Madonna

If fear of failure is holding you back from pursuing your dreams, Adrian Anantawan has an empowering message for you. This one-handed violinist is demonstrating that you can achieve anything with determination and resilience. Through his captivating music, he aims to convey this crucial lesson.

Adrian Anantawan delivered an impressive solo performance with the Boston Landmarks Orchestra, hoping the audience would experience his violin’s message: “the sound of possibility.”


Often, people let fear of failure or embarrassment prevent them from following their passions. Adrian, however, remains undeterred. He told GMA, “My story has always been about trying something, accepting failure, and seeing what results come from it.”


While inspirational musicians are not uncommon, Adrian’s physical condition sets him apart. He was born without his right hand and most of his right forearm. With only five fingers, he initially found many instruments challenging.


In fifth grade, when all students were required to play the recorder, Adrian’s family realized the instrument was not designed for someone with his condition. Although instruments like the trumpet might have been easier, Adrian was drawn to the violin.

Describing the violin as “the most beautiful instrument,” Adrian acknowledged it wasn’t designed for one-handed musicians. Instead of giving up, his family collaborated with engineers to create a custom violin tailored for him.

This specially designed violin features a device that allows Adrian to produce sound using his shoulder. He shared with GMA, “From the very first note, I was captivated by the sound and the connection between my body and the instrument, which allowed me to express my imagination.”

Adrian Anantawan credits his success not only to the engineers and his unique instrument but also to a strong belief in oneself. He emphasizes that teachers and supporters must instill confidence in children, enabling them to believe that they can achieve anything. With this mindset, the possibilities are truly limitless.

Adrian’s journey teaches us not to let fear of failure stop us from pursuing our dreams. Believe in yourself and strive towards your goals.


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