
Moab Taiko Dan Marks 30 Years of Drumming

by Madonna

Moab Taiko Dan, a local ensemble dedicated to Japanese-style drumming, is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a special performance at Old City Park on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. This event is free and open to the public, providing an opportunity for attendees to enjoy this traditional Japanese art form in a relaxed, outdoor environment.

“We just want people to come, relax, and have a good time listening to traditional taiko drumming,” said Karen Feary, a member of the group for 14 years. “We’re aiming to make it as joyful and uplifting as possible.”


The group’s name, Moab Taiko Dan, translates from Japanese to “drum village”—with “taiko” meaning drum and “dan” meaning village.


Feary highlighted that this anniversary performance will be particularly special for several reasons, including the presence of Annette Kearl, the group’s founder, who will be joining in the celebration.


The event will also feature traditional Japanese lanterns, refreshments such as anniversary cake and cookies, and opportunities to purchase Moab Taiko Dan merchandise, including T-shirts.

The performance will consist of two half-hour drumming sessions, with a break in between.

One of the key highlights of the anniversary event will be the presence of Tiffany Tamaribuchi, Moab Taiko Dan’s sensei (master teacher), who has gained international recognition for her taiko expertise. Tamaribuchi, based in Sacramento, California, has been a mentor to the group for years, and Feary noted that her performance will elevate the occasion.

“She brings a level of professionalism that makes everything more polished,” Feary said.

Moab Taiko Dan, which holds weekly practices, has been preparing diligently for the event, adding extra songs to the lineup. Ten performers are scheduled to take the stage for the celebration.

Feary also mentioned that the group’s membership has fluctuated over the past three decades, but they currently have seven active members and are always open to new recruits. In an effort to encourage more people to join, they’ve relaxed the requirements for beginners, allowing newcomers to start right away in their beginner class.

The group also participates in the BEACON Afterschool Program at Helen M. Knight Elementary and Margaret L. Hopkin Middle schools. Feary estimated that around eight elementary students are currently enrolled, with additional students participating at the middle school level.

“There’s been strong interest from the school district, and we’ve been involved for many years,” Feary explained.

As Moab Taiko Dan celebrates 30 years of drumming, Feary hopes the anniversary event will inspire more people to experience the energy and joy of taiko.

“We want to introduce the public to the Japanese style of drumming, and the discipline and art that come with it,” she said. “It’s a high-energy experience.”

The group’s first drums were made from scrap tires covered with plastic. Today, Moab Taiko Dan has more than 20 drums, many of which they’ve crafted themselves from wine barrels and cowhides.

Despite facing challenges in recent years, such as finding a consistent practice space and performance venues, the group remains passionate about sharing their music with the community. They currently practice at Center Street Gym and store their equipment at various locations.

Feary recalled how she first encountered the group at the Moab Arts Festival over a decade ago and knew immediately that she wanted to be a part of it.

“I saw them and thought, ‘I want to do that,’ and I haven’t looked back since,” she said. “I started before I retired, as a way to relieve stress. There’s more to it than that, but that was the initial motivation. The discipline and learning involved, combined with the experience of drumming, have been incredibly rewarding.”


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