
‘Her’ Leads the Sonic Boom: JSU Selects 4th Female Drum Major

by Madonna

“Everything started happening in slow motion. People began cheering me on, excited that I was going to be the next drum major,” said Ariel Woods.

Ariel Woods, a senior at Jackson State University (JSU), has been chosen as part of the prestigious Jackson Five, leading the Sonic Boom for the 2024-25 academic year.


“I’m here to get the crowd hyped, riling everyone up, and creating excitement for the band and football team,” Woods added.


Woods, also known as “Her,” dances to the rhythm of the horns and drums and now holds the distinction of being the fourth female drum major in the history of JSU’s band.


“A drum major is someone who is a natural leader with a deep passion for guiding others and making decisive choices,” Woods explained.

The last female drum major at JSU led the band in 2017.

“I see myself as a role model for women and young girls in band who dream of becoming drum majors,” Woods said.

Originally from Dallas, Woods shared that her journey to this leadership role wasn’t easy. The process of trying out for drum major is intense, and her first attempt ended in failure.

“This is my second time trying out, so being chosen is nothing short of an honor. It’s a blessing to be in this position as a woman. I can’t fully express how prestigious this feels,” Woods shared.

She also revealed that she had no prior connection to Jackson State. Seven years ago, she discovered videos of the Sonic Boom on YouTube, and the dream of leading them took root.

“I’ve been dreaming about this role for seven years. Even though I had doubts along the way, I never gave up,” Woods said.

Woods is thrilled to continue the legacy of female drum majors and looks forward to inspiring others to follow in her footsteps.

“I want to encourage more women to step into these prestigious, male-dominated roles. It’s inspiring to see female drum majors in middle schools, colleges, and universities, and I want to help make that more common,” Woods said.


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