
Dato Drum: A Family-Friendly Circular Drum Machine Launches on Kickstarter

by Madonna

You might recall Dato, the company behind the Duo, a unique, kid-friendly groovebox designed for two users. Praised as one of the best synths for kids, Dato has returned with the Drum, another engaging instrument that promises to be just as accessible for all ages.

Currently on Kickstarter, Dato describes the Drum as a “friendly circular drum machine.” Its green body and large, colorful buttons certainly give it a friendly appearance, though its shape leans more towards octagonal than circular.


What sets the Drum apart from most drum machines is its unique control layout. The controls are arranged in a circular fashion around the top, encouraging collaborative play similar to its Duo counterpart.


The Dato Drum features four sample-based voices, allowing users to change the pitch of each voice. Users can also swap out samples using a web-based tool.


The sequencer includes eight steps, with each voice represented by its own sequencer lane of vibrant lights that move around the device, making it easy for kids to follow along.

Additional features include pressure-sensitive drum pads, a built-in speaker, USB power, MIDI compatibility, and sync capabilities.

The simplicity of the Dato Drum is intentional.

“Dato Drum is a playful drum machine aimed at both children and adults. Its round shape encourages collaboration, while its straightforward hands-on interface ensures that everyone can join in,” the company states.

Dato involved both musicians and non-musicians of all ages in the design process, resulting in a focused selection of features that promote hands-on interaction.

The Kickstarter campaign for the Dato Drum is currently active and will run until October 20. Pre-orders are available for €339 (approximately $379), with delivery expected in September 2025.

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