
Danny Carey Prepares for a Tool Concert with His Impressive Drum Set

by Madonna

Danny Carey of Tool has recently embraced his role as a YouTuber, launching his own official channel. Among his initial videos, a standout clip features the celebrated drummer warming up before a Tool performance in May. The footage, filmed from a unique point-of-view directly above Carey, showcases the staggering size of his drum kit, which surrounds him in a cockpit-like arrangement of shells and cymbals.

The video emphasizes that Carey utilizes every component of his extensive setup, with his limbs skillfully navigating the kit as muscle memory takes control. This scene is reminiscent of an athlete preparing for a competitive event, illustrating the physically demanding nature of drumming for Tool, a fact that Carey embodies in this warm-up session. It’s no surprise that he ranks highly on our recent list of the 100 greatest drummers of all time.


In addition to the warm-up clip, Carey’s YouTube channel offers valuable insights for both drummers and Tool enthusiasts interested in his techniques. One video features a detailed overview of his touring kit used in the BEAT supergroup, which is currently touring in tribute to ’80s King Crimson (tickets are available here). Another entertaining segment showcases a rapid-fire Q&A with Carey’s drum tech, Joe Slaby. When Slaby asks, “Who was your favorite drummer when you were 12 years old?” Carey instantly responds, “John Bonham.” Viewers also learn about Carey’s favorite BBQ joint, Gates in Kansas City, his childhood autograph request from Stewart Copeland of The Police, and that attending a YES concert in 1977 remains his all-time favorite live music experience.


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