
Long-Time Violinist and Cellist Depart from New Zealand String Quartet Amid Investigations

by Madonna

Helene Pohl and Rolf Gjelsten, the first violinist and cellist of the New Zealand String Quartet for the past 30 years, have resigned from the group effective immediately. This decision follows investigations into their past conduct during their tenure.

Both musicians also served as faculty at Victoria University of Wellington’s School of Music, where the New Zealand String Quartet is in residence. In light of the investigation, Pohl and Gjelsten admitted to inadequately addressing “serious and sensitive issues,” particularly regarding conflicts of interest during their time at the university.


A representative from Victoria University of Wellington informed The Violin Channel that “Helene Pohl and Rolf Gjelsten taught at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington for about two decades; however, they are not employees of the University. They participated in teaching programs at the University under a Memorandum of Understanding with the New Zealand String Quartet (NZSQ) Trust, which is their actual employer.”


“When the relevant Dean first became aware of significant concerns, these were raised with the NZSQ Trust, which then initiated an independent employment investigation,” the representative continued. “As a result of the investigation’s findings, Helene Pohl and Rolf Gjelsten will not be returning to New Zealand School of Music—Te Kōkī.”


The representative emphasized their commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment for all students, stating that, following the investigation’s outcome, they will conduct a review of the circumstances that led to concerns being raised with the NZSQ Trust.

Due to privacy concerns, the representative could not provide specific details about the individuals who reported the issues to protect their identities.

“Helene and Rolf have offered their resignations, which we have accepted,” said a statement from the NZ String Quartet Trust Board. “All parties wish to acknowledge and apologize to those affected by these issues. Given the circumstances, Helene and Rolf felt it was in everyone’s best interest to resign immediately. Their 30 years of service with the Quartet are acknowledged.”

Established in 1987, the New Zealand String Quartet is the country’s only full-time string quartet. Following the resignations, the quartet has removed Pohl and Gjelsten from its website; the remaining members are violist Gillian Ansell and violinist Peter Clark.

The statement concluded by expressing the quartet’s intention to fulfill its remaining engagements for 2024 and to present its 2025 season, featuring special guest artists as they begin the recruitment process for new permanent players to join the ensemble.

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