
Dog Trumpet Set to Resurrect Shadowland Tour: Part Two Commences This Weekend

by Madonna

The musical journey of Dog Trumpet is poised to continue with the commencement of the eagerly awaited “Shadowland Tour: Part Two” this weekend. Australian music enthusiasts can mark their calendars for a series of performances that promise to captivate audiences across New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

The tour kicks off on September 15th, 2023, at The Servo Port Kembla, ushering in a wave of sonic enchantment. The following evening, on September 16th, the Django Bar in Marrickville, Sydney, will be the stage for another unforgettable performance.


As the calendar unfolds, the musical caravan of Dog Trumpet will traverse through the picturesque landscapes of New South Wales and the vibrant heart of the ACT. On September 24th, 2023, the audience can immerse themselves in the melodic tapestry at The Polo in Turner, ACT. Continuing their musical expedition, the band will grace the Milton Theatre in Milton on September 25th, 2023, before concluding this leg of the tour at the Murrah Hall in Murrah, NSW, on September 26th, 2023.


Dog Trumpet, the acclaimed musical project of brothers Peter O’Doherty and Reg Mombassa, promises an eclectic fusion of musical genres and a spellbinding live experience. With a reputation for delivering performances that resonate deeply with fans, this tour’s second part is set to build upon the musical journey initiated earlier.


Music aficionados and followers of Dog Trumpet are encouraged to seize the opportunity to witness these captivating performances. As the curtain rises on “Shadowland Tour: Part Two,” prepare to be transported on an auditory odyssey that promises to linger in your hearts and minds.


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